‘Music – The expression of Soul & Spirit. The Gift that continuously & endlessly gives of itself ‘ ~Roger Sylver

Multiverse Of Mashups
Volume 1

ReMixed & ReMastered By Roger Sylver
'The Highlander'

Version 1 - Full Version
44 Songs = 2.6 Hours Of Music Without Interruption
$40.00 USD ($41.49 - Fees Included)
Download - 'Play & Track List - Full Version' PDF -

Download - 'Multiverse Of Mashups, Full Version' -

Version 2 - Highlander's Picks
22 Songs = 1 Hr & 22 Min Of Music Without Interruption
$20.00 USD ($21.10 - Fees included)
Download 'Play & Track List - Highlander's Picks' PDF -

Download - 'Multiverse Of Mashups, Highlander's Picks' -

Solid Sylver Sounds
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